Thursday, 26 February 2015

Final A2 Media Products

Here are the final versions of my teaser trailer, movie poster and movie magazine.


Ancillary online feedback

As part of my audience feedback I had used the popular online photo sharing platform instagram to share some of my work and ask for opinions. In recent years instagram, Facebook and other sorts of web 2.0 platforms have layered the foundation of producer to audience relationship by granting content creators with a contemporary take on researching and marketing. I had used instagram as a form of researching as it allows me to post the content I make and get feedback within minutes.

Horror Teaser draft three

Here is the third draft of my horror film teaser trailer, from my last update I have renovated my trailer inside out; this includes filming extra scenes, changing the order of my sequence, adding more backing tracks and horror sound effects and adding more inter-tittles.

Horror magazine ver2.


Here is the third draft of my horror movie film magazine, I had decided to make the following changes to my magazine in order to make it look more like an authentic movie magazine, I had also included some horror motifs into my magazine front cover to further emphasize the genre of horror. 


Changes I had made to my second magazine draft includes moving and placing the barcode of the magazine to a more conventional area, I had also added a red strip at the far right of the magazine to fill out some of the empty space present. I moved the date and issue of the magazine to under the feature bar because I believed that it was a much more conventional place as the original placement was blocking the main image. I order to further implement the motif of horror I had added two horror related taglines to the  magazine, I had also used two horror fonts and the colour red.

Horror poster ver2.


This is the third draft of my horror movie poster, right of the bat you can see that there were a lot of changes made in this draft from my second draft. When comparing my second draft to a comtemporary horror movie posters there seem to be a large amount of differences, 

As you can see in the poster in the right, horror posters tend to be mostly covered in a dark shadow whilst the main focus of the posters seem to be highlighted in some sort of spotlight; this is something i had implemented into my own poster, I had also incorporated a lens flare into the knife that my main character is holding to make the lighting seem more authentic. 
At the bottom of the poster I had incorporated the release date of the film as that is a major convention of movie posters. In addition to the release date of the movie I had also incorporated two indie film festival at the sides of the poster to increase the authenticity of the poster. I had also added the names of the actors staring in my film as it is a key convention that is used in all movie posters. Another new addition to my poster will the tagline I had included at the top of my poster this tagline will be used to persuade audiences to want to go to the cinema and watch the film as it states that the film was created by the same people who had created critically acclaimed horror films and thereby increasing the reliability of the film. Finally I had digitally incorporated blood unto the face of the main character of my narrative to further implement the theme of death in my narrative.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Jump scare draft one

Here is the first draft of a jumpscare I planning on including in my horror teaser trailer, from some verbal feedback I have gathered that the jumpscare is not at all "scary" and it also does not seem to fit in with the themes present in my narrative.

To combat this piece of criticizing I will be researching into ways of making my jump scare more authentic and "scary", in addition to this I will also be reaching into ways I can incorporate my jumpscare into my narrative,

Demon face update

Here is the image I am going to use for my demon face section in my teaser, I originally wanted to record a sequence but couldn't find any tutorials online to guide me so I had to improvise.


It was extremely easy to achieve this demon face, all I had to do was mask around the face on Photoshop with a magnetic lasso and the use the curves adjustment layer to change the hue, saturation and contrast of the mask. 

Teaser Trailer update

As stated earlier in my blog the second draft of my teaser trailer is up, now I am working on my third draft this time I want to implement even more horror conventions into my teaser and whilst researching I came across a convention called scare/demon face; this is when the unsuspecting audience is shocked by a jump scare that normally involves a demon face and a scream such as the one pictured below.

I also came across a video on youtube with a chilling track I will like too feature in my trailer. This video also influenced me to implement the demon face convention into my teaser trailer. 

Video credits-ByOussamaLmoussaoui

I also found a cool video on youtube of a woman screaming for about 13 seconds, I am planning on using this as the scream sound effect when the demon face shows up.

Horror Magazine ver1.0


Horror Poster ver1


Here is the third draft of my movie poster, I have pretty much kept everything the same as my plan but with some minor changes like the RGB split that is featured in my main image.

Teaser Trailer Draft 2

Here is the second draft of my teaser trailer, due to my feedback I had made quite a few changes to the tone and feel of my trailer, like I had stated earlier in my blog I changed the colour tone of my trailer to allow it to better compliment the themes and tones of my narrative and genre, I had also replaced my audio backing track with a far more "creepier" track that better emphasis the horror genre and I had also added some horror sound effects to increase the authenticity of my trailer.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Teaser update

A piece of feedback I had gained from the first draft of my teaser trailer was that the music did not seem to correlate with the themes and the genre of my trailer. Audiences recommend that I featured "more creepier" music and audio samples. To combat this I had searched youtube looking for free royalty music that i could feature in my teaser.

I had come across this 10 minute long track that someone had composed and posted on youtube, the inspiration from this track was from a video game titled SCP-087, I belive that this track had succesfully managed to capture the creepy tones of the video game and would be perfect as a background track of my teaser trailer for the same reason. Credit of this video goes to- Natureworld1986 

I had also came across this video by a youtuber named Nicole McClelland which as a research into certain horror sound effects, I will also be using this sound effects layered untop of the track above to giver a fuller more authentic fill to my teaser. Credit of this video goes to-Nicole McClelland 

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Extra Filming and teaser update

As part of the feedback of my teaser trailer first draft I was told that my trailer doesn't seem to carry a horror vibe but instead seems to carry a thriller vibe, to combat this I had done some extra research into the conventions of a horror film. From my research I had concluded that horror films seems to adopt a dark/dull colour tone in their scenes, this is done in order to compliment the dark themes of the film. After my research I had gone back to adobe premier pro to reflect on my work and I had noticed that my footage seems to carry a vibrant blue colour tone which contradicted the themes of death and suicide present in my narrative; to combat this I had turned down the saturation of all my footage to around 50% to dull out the blue tone. The change in saturation was very effective as it gave my trailer a much more grittier and darker tone.
 In addition to the tone of the teaser I had decided to film some extra footage that further explore the themes of body manipulation and suicidal thoughts, I had included some snapshots in a pintrest board, click the image below to view them.